Below you can find a selection of the talks I have given and the conferences and workshops I have organized. For a full list, please see my CV.
Conferences, Workshops, Summer Schools
Summer School. Recent Work in the Metaphysics of Ethics. With Gideon Rosen (Princeton). August 5th to 9th, 2024. Université de Fribourg, Switzerland.
Mark Rothko, Untitled, 1952
The week-long summer school will focus on the metaphysics of morality, with a special focus on non-naturalist moral realism: the view that moral thought and discourse are concerned with real, mind-independent facts that are distinct from the empirical psychological and sociological facts that underly them. Topics to be discussed include the proper characterization of this view, the main motivations for it, and questions that arise with in it, including questions about the explanatory structure of moral reality, the role of moral laws in moral
explanation, the modal status of those moral laws, and the distinctive forms of grounding that figure in them. One recurrent theme will be analogies (and disanalogies) between non-naturalist moral realism and other forms of dualism in recent metaphysics, including property dualism in the philosophy of mind and platonism in the philosophy of mathematics. The seminar will be designed to expose advanced students to the most important recent work on these topics and to provide a forum for the discussion of student work on open problems. Summer School Organizers: Ralf Bader, Anandi Hattiangadi, Alex Moran, Sarah Köglesperger. |
Applications of Grounding II. July 29th and 30th, 2024. Université de Fribourg, Switzerland.
Organizers: Alex Moran and Anandi Hattiangadi
Speakers: Stephan Leuenberger (University of Glasgow) Taylor Pincin (Columbia University) Alex Moran (Université de Fribourg) Henrik Rhydén (Uppsala University) Ralf Bader (Université de Fribourg) Francesca Poggiolesi (Université de Paris) Zachary Blaesi (Austin Community College) Audrey Powers (Rutgers University) Carlo Rossi (Universidad de Santiago de Chile) |
Grounding Consciousness, Meaning and Understanding in Natural and Artificial Minds, Trivandrum, India, January 6-8, 2024
Over life-size figure of the bodhisattva Padmapani, cave 1, Ajanta Caves, 5th century. From Le Musée absolu, Phaidon, 10-2012.
This conference brings together international philosophers and philosophers working in India to discuss the metaphysics of grounding in relation to the nature of consciousness, meaning, and understanding in natural and artificial minds. Speakers: Anand Vaidya (San Jose State University), Murali Ramachandran (Thapar University), Anandi Hattiangadi (Stockholm University), Ines Hipolito (Macquarie University), Mohan Matthen (University of Toronto), Shamik Dasgupta (University of California, Berkeley), S. Siddharth (Sai University, Chennai), R. Krishnaswamy (Jindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities), Geoffrey Lee (University of California, Berkeley), Kranti Saran (Ashoka University, New Delhi), Sreekala Nair (Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit), Åke Gafvelin (Uppsala University), Sushruth Ravish (IIT Kanpur), Medi Chaitanya (University of Hyderabad) Sreenish Sree (University of Hyderabad), Sarita Tamang (University of Delhi), Tejas Bhojraj (Sai University, Chennai)
The Problems of Philosophy in Virtual Reality, Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm, 22nd and 23rd May, 2023.
This conference engages with the recent and critically acclaimed book Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy by Professor David Chalmers.
Chalmers' book Reality+ takes as its starting point the recent advances in AI and computer hardware which have made high-quality virtual reality sets available to a wider audience. Chalmers notes that the quality and realism of such systems are likely to improve over time to the point where there may eventually be simulated worlds that are wholly indistinguishable from non-virtual worlds from the subjective point of view of the inhabitants of those worlds. You might think, if you really are living in a virtual world, there is no sunshine and no trees, and your beliefs about sunshine and trees must be false. Even worse, if you really are living in a virtual world, how do you know that the people you care about exist? And without the people you care about, what gives your life value? |
50 Years of Naming and Necessity. December 12th and 13th, 2022. At the Saul Kripke Center, CUNY Graduate Center,
This conference was the culmination of a year-long seminar series I organized together with Saul Kripke, Romina Birman, Michael Devitt, and Yale Weiss at the CUNY Graduate Center to celebrate 50 years since the first publication of Naming and Necessity. In addition to the speakers at the conference, the seminar speakers included: David Braun, Andrea Bianchi, Paul Boghossian, David Chalmers, Alice Damirjian, Michael Devitt, Katalin Farkas, Kit Fine, Mikkel Gerken, Mario Gomez-Torrente, Frank Jackson, David Kaplan, Saul Kripke, Oskari Kuusela, Ofra Magidor, Mikaelis Michael, Stephen Neale, Gary Ostertag, David Papineau, Jessica Pepp, Panu Raatikainen, Francois Recanati, Robert Stalnaker, Una Stojnic, Michael Wallner, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya, Albert Visser, Nathan Wildman, Jessica Wilson.
Applications of Grounding I. 13th and 14th July, 2022. Trinity College, Dublin.
Anandi Hattiangadi and DaLL-E
Organizers: Anandi Hattiangadi & Alex Moran
Speakers: Anandi Hattiangadi (Stockholm University), Alex Moran (Trinity College Dublin), Singa Behrens (Hamburg University), Fatema Amijee (University of British Columbia), Dominic Alford-Duguid (University of British Columbia), Donnchadh O’Connaill (Fribourg University), Damian Aleksiev (Central European University), Samuel Lee (Linköping University), Mohsen Moghri (Birmingham University) |
Selected Talks
2023 ‘The Normativity of Meaning and Content Revisited’. 13th Principia International Symposium. Florianópolis, Brazil.
2023 ‘Conventionalism and the Adoption Problem.’ Joint Session of the Aristotelian Soceity and Mind Association. Birkbeck College, University of London.
2023 ‘Logic and Convention.’ 1st International Philosophy Conference in India: Mind, Reasoning, and the World. India International Center, New Delhi.
2022 ‘Rational Polarization: A Skeptical Puzzle for Truth-Seeking Bayesians.’ British Society for the Theory of Knowledge Conference, University of Glasgow. (With Joe Roussos)
2022 ‘Deductive Reasoning without Rule Following.’ The Swedish Philosophy Congress. Lund University, Lund, Sweden. (With Corine Besson.)
2020 ‘Normative Subject Matters and How to Fix Them.’ Humboldt Normativity Workshop, Berlin, Germany. (With Alex Sandgren)
2019 ‘The Return of Kripkenstein: An Argument for Semantic Primitivism.’ Scots Philosophical Association, the University of Stirling, UK.
2017 ‘Logical Disagreement’, The Swedish Philosophy Congress, Uppsala University, Sweden.
2016 'Normative Disagreement.’ Social Norms and Ontology Conference, Sheffield University, Sheffield, UK.
2014 ‘The Limits of Expressivism’, 2014 Graduate Philosophy Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
2014 ‘The Normativity of Logic’, CWAP conference on Normativity of Meaning, Belief and Knowledge, Krakow, Poland.
2023 ‘Conventionalism and the Adoption Problem.’ Joint Session of the Aristotelian Soceity and Mind Association. Birkbeck College, University of London.
2023 ‘Logic and Convention.’ 1st International Philosophy Conference in India: Mind, Reasoning, and the World. India International Center, New Delhi.
2022 ‘Rational Polarization: A Skeptical Puzzle for Truth-Seeking Bayesians.’ British Society for the Theory of Knowledge Conference, University of Glasgow. (With Joe Roussos)
2022 ‘Deductive Reasoning without Rule Following.’ The Swedish Philosophy Congress. Lund University, Lund, Sweden. (With Corine Besson.)
2020 ‘Normative Subject Matters and How to Fix Them.’ Humboldt Normativity Workshop, Berlin, Germany. (With Alex Sandgren)
2019 ‘The Return of Kripkenstein: An Argument for Semantic Primitivism.’ Scots Philosophical Association, the University of Stirling, UK.
2017 ‘Logical Disagreement’, The Swedish Philosophy Congress, Uppsala University, Sweden.
2016 'Normative Disagreement.’ Social Norms and Ontology Conference, Sheffield University, Sheffield, UK.
2014 ‘The Limits of Expressivism’, 2014 Graduate Philosophy Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
2014 ‘The Normativity of Logic’, CWAP conference on Normativity of Meaning, Belief and Knowledge, Krakow, Poland.
Selected Invited Lectures
2024. ‘Naturalness Schmaturalness: On the Limitations of Lewis’ Defense of Physicalism.’ Lewis on Representation in Mind and Language. University of Notre Dame.
2024. ‘Look Under the Hood! Benchmarking Artificial General Intelligence.’ AI Benchmarking Workshop. AI and Humanity Lab, Hong Kong University.
2024. ‘Deductive Reasoning without Rule Following’. Association for Symbolic Logic, American Philosophical Association Easter Division, New York. (With Corine Besson)
2024. ‘Do Large Language Models Understand Natural Language? Grounding Consciousness, Meaning and Understanding in Natural and Artificial Minds. Trivandrum, India.
2023. ‘Why Large Language Models Don’t Understand Natural Language and Probably Won’t Any Time Soon.’ Colloquium, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York.
2023. ‘The Normativity of Meaning and Content Revisited.’ Applications of Grounding, Trinity College, Dublin.
2023. ‘A skeptic’s Guide to Simulated Worlds’. The Problems of Philosophy in Virtual Reality. Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm.
2022. ‘Zombies and Essence.’ 50 Years of Naming and Necessity. The Saul Kripke Center, CUNY. (With Alex Moran)
2022. ‘Quadders and Zombies: A Kripkean Argument Against Physicalism.’ Kripke’s Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language at 40. York University, Toronto, Canada.
2022. ‘A Puzzle about Logical Disagreement.’ Arché, St. Andrews, UK.
2022. ‘The Normativity of Meaning and Content Revisited.’ Naturalism and its Challenges. Tehran, Iran.
2021. ‘Deductive Reasoning without Rule Following.’ Colloquium, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York. (With Corine Besson)
2020. ‘Three Ways in which Logic is Exceptional’. Seminar Series ‘the Kripke-Carroll Adoption Problem’, The Saul Kripke Center, CUNY, New York.
2019. ‘Reasoning and Normativity.’ Third Annual Frankfurt Metaethics Conference—What is Normativity? Frankfurt, Germany.
2019. ‘Is Logic Normative?’ The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway.
2019. ‘Representation and Rule-Following.’ The Social Institution of Norms Workshop. Universität Wien,Vienna, Austria.'
2019. ‘Semantic Supervenience and Haecceitism.’ Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
2019. ‘The Return of Kripkenstein: an Argument for Semantic Primitivism.’ Rules, Norms, and Reasons Workshop: Kripkenstein’s Paradox. Milan, Italy.
2019. ‘Is Logic Normative?’ Australian Association of Philosophy Conference, Wollongong, Australia.
2019. ‘Semantic Supervenience and Haecceitism.’ Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
2018. ‘Is Logic Normative?’, Arché Research Centre, St Andrews, Scotland.
2018. ‘A Primitivist Response to Streumer’. Symposium on Bart Streumer’s Unbelievable Errors, Gröningen, Netherlands.
2018. ‘Semantic Supervenience and Haecceities,’ Department of Philosophy, University of Valencia, Spain.
2018. ‘Is Logic Normative?’ Conference on Normativity and the A Priori, Stockholm University, Sweden.
2018. ‘Is Logic Normative?’, Department of Philosophy, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand.
2018. ‘Semantic Supervenience and Haecceitism,’ Department of Philosophy, Otago University, New Zealand.
2018. ‘Is Logic Normative?’, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
2018. ‘Semantic Supervenience and Haecceitism,’ Department of Philosophy, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
2018. ‘Semantic Supervenience and Haecceitism,’ Workshop on meta-semantics, ConceptLab, Oslo and Tokyo University. Tokyo, Japan.
2018. ‘Semantic Supervenience and Haecceitism,’ Workshop on Foundations and Methods of Natural Language Semantics, Logos, Barcelona.
2018. ‘Relativism about Future Contingents is Self-Refuting.’ Diaphora Network Conference, Neuchatel, Switzerland. (With Corine Besson)
2024. ‘Look Under the Hood! Benchmarking Artificial General Intelligence.’ AI Benchmarking Workshop. AI and Humanity Lab, Hong Kong University.
2024. ‘Deductive Reasoning without Rule Following’. Association for Symbolic Logic, American Philosophical Association Easter Division, New York. (With Corine Besson)
2024. ‘Do Large Language Models Understand Natural Language? Grounding Consciousness, Meaning and Understanding in Natural and Artificial Minds. Trivandrum, India.
2023. ‘Why Large Language Models Don’t Understand Natural Language and Probably Won’t Any Time Soon.’ Colloquium, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York.
2023. ‘The Normativity of Meaning and Content Revisited.’ Applications of Grounding, Trinity College, Dublin.
2023. ‘A skeptic’s Guide to Simulated Worlds’. The Problems of Philosophy in Virtual Reality. Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm.
2022. ‘Zombies and Essence.’ 50 Years of Naming and Necessity. The Saul Kripke Center, CUNY. (With Alex Moran)
2022. ‘Quadders and Zombies: A Kripkean Argument Against Physicalism.’ Kripke’s Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language at 40. York University, Toronto, Canada.
2022. ‘A Puzzle about Logical Disagreement.’ Arché, St. Andrews, UK.
2022. ‘The Normativity of Meaning and Content Revisited.’ Naturalism and its Challenges. Tehran, Iran.
2021. ‘Deductive Reasoning without Rule Following.’ Colloquium, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York. (With Corine Besson)
2020. ‘Three Ways in which Logic is Exceptional’. Seminar Series ‘the Kripke-Carroll Adoption Problem’, The Saul Kripke Center, CUNY, New York.
2019. ‘Reasoning and Normativity.’ Third Annual Frankfurt Metaethics Conference—What is Normativity? Frankfurt, Germany.
2019. ‘Is Logic Normative?’ The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway.
2019. ‘Representation and Rule-Following.’ The Social Institution of Norms Workshop. Universität Wien,Vienna, Austria.'
2019. ‘Semantic Supervenience and Haecceitism.’ Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
2019. ‘The Return of Kripkenstein: an Argument for Semantic Primitivism.’ Rules, Norms, and Reasons Workshop: Kripkenstein’s Paradox. Milan, Italy.
2019. ‘Is Logic Normative?’ Australian Association of Philosophy Conference, Wollongong, Australia.
2019. ‘Semantic Supervenience and Haecceitism.’ Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
2018. ‘Is Logic Normative?’, Arché Research Centre, St Andrews, Scotland.
2018. ‘A Primitivist Response to Streumer’. Symposium on Bart Streumer’s Unbelievable Errors, Gröningen, Netherlands.
2018. ‘Semantic Supervenience and Haecceities,’ Department of Philosophy, University of Valencia, Spain.
2018. ‘Is Logic Normative?’ Conference on Normativity and the A Priori, Stockholm University, Sweden.
2018. ‘Is Logic Normative?’, Department of Philosophy, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand.
2018. ‘Semantic Supervenience and Haecceitism,’ Department of Philosophy, Otago University, New Zealand.
2018. ‘Is Logic Normative?’, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
2018. ‘Semantic Supervenience and Haecceitism,’ Department of Philosophy, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
2018. ‘Semantic Supervenience and Haecceitism,’ Workshop on meta-semantics, ConceptLab, Oslo and Tokyo University. Tokyo, Japan.
2018. ‘Semantic Supervenience and Haecceitism,’ Workshop on Foundations and Methods of Natural Language Semantics, Logos, Barcelona.
2018. ‘Relativism about Future Contingents is Self-Refuting.’ Diaphora Network Conference, Neuchatel, Switzerland. (With Corine Besson)